Monday, January 25, 2010


I've been sport climbing here in Catalonia, Spain for over a week now and it's been really fun. The bad weather all over Europe made me change my plans and I decided to come here to hang out with the crew. Overall the weather has been pretty good here, but Margalef is still wet for the most part, so we've been climbing a lot in Oliana.

Boira in Les Avillanes

Oliana is an amazing cliff with very long hard routes. Most of the routes are between 8b and 9a+. For a boulderer like me, climbing in Oliana has been very effective endurance training. I actually feel like I've gained a lot endurance in just a week and soon I can seriously start trying some hard routes. I can't wait for Margalef to dry up so we get to try some shorter routes also.

Dave on Fish eye, Oliana

Yesterday I actually managed to climb something by doing the first repeat of Duele la realidad, 8c+ in Oliana. To the right of Duele la realidad is a really hard project, that Chris bolted a few days ago. It has a very hard bouldery start. I managed to do all the moves of the first part yesterday, but linking them is going to be a challenge.

 Jon Cardwell using his Mexican ninja beta on Duele la realidad

We have spent our restdays looking for boulders. From what I understand, not many people boulder here and even fewer actually go looking for boulders, so there's a lot of bouldering to be discovered.

 Nalle Hukkataival trying Identifacation y placas, 8c

Chad filming in Oliana


  1. really well done Nalle! you have the endurance man... when you boulder for like 5 hours a day... that is considered endurance i guess.. so you will improve really fast on long routes. You already have all the power you need to do all the moves, and more. Have fun man

  2. crush crush crush and have fun :)

  3. Anonymous26/1/10 06:28

    Sweet, man! It's so cool to hear about all the crushing goin on in Spain. Keep it up, I'm psyched to see what goes down in the next few months!

  4. Anonymous26/1/10 18:20

    go Nalle go...!!

  5. Anonymous26/1/10 19:16

    Do it!!!!


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